Membership and/or Donation Form
Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP Membership Application - Renew or Join Now We value your membership

Your support is important to continue the rich traditions that are provided by the Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP at Vasa Park in South Elgin, Illinois. Please join other in supporting the park

Annual events for members and friends include the Annual Dinner Dance, Spring Valborg Day, Midsummer Celebration, 2025 Scandinavian Day Festival and Fall Fish Boil

Membership Benefits
Cost Annual Individual Membership: $25 per year

Term of Membership - Calendar year January 1 to December 31 (Applications for current year are accepted through August 31)

Payment Options There are two ways that you can pay for your membership.
  1. On-Line Membership Registration: Finalize the information below, and when done click the button at the bottom of the page. Note that if any of the required fields are not filled out, then you will not be able to continue. After clicking the button you will be taken to a verification/receipt page. Please print the page for your records. We are using PayPal to process the On-Line registration, but you do NOT require a PayPal account in order to pay On-Line, but you can use the most common Credit Cards.
  2. Mail in Membership Registration: Click Here to download the Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP Membership Application form. Fill out the form, and mail the filled out form with check made out to the Scandinavian Park, Inc., NFP to the address highlighted on the form.
Contact Information

Fields marked with an * are required

First Name*

Last Name*

Organization or Company

Address 1*

Address 2



Zip Code*

Phone Number*

Email Address*

Membership Information

Fields marked with an * are required

Membership Type*

Number of Memberships*

Gift Membership?

Please check below if you would like to receive the newsletter by email. This will help to defray the high printing cost as well as postage.

Recieve Mail Electronically?

Donations / Contributions

General Contribution$

Capital Improvement$

Heritage Walk Contribution$

Children's Area Improvement$

Scandinavian Day Sponsor$

Other Donation$

Specify Other Donation

Total Amount$

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